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'+ele.countDiscussions+' '+ele.countMembers+'

'; }); return html; } function setDefaulturlCode(body) { var dynamicColorsExcludeFeatured = $.grep(allGroupCategories, function(exceptFeatured){ return exceptFeatured.urlcode != "featured-groups"; }); isDynamicColorCodeFound = []; //var checkTags = body.split("#"); var checkTags = getOnlyTags(body).trim().split("#"); checkTags = checkTags.slice(1, checkTags.length); if(checkTags.length > 1 ){ $.each(checkTags,function(index, excludeFeaturedTag){ if(excludeFeaturedTag !== "") { excludeFeaturedTag = excludeFeaturedTag.replace(//g); excludeFeaturedTag = removeTags(excludeFeaturedTag); excludeFeaturedTag = excludeFeaturedTag.trim(); if(excludeFeaturedTag != "Featured") { var dynamicColorFound = $.grep(dynamicColorsExcludeFeatured, function(dynamicCategories){ return (dynamicCategories.name.toLowerCase().search(excludeFeaturedTag.toLowerCase()) > -1); }); if(dynamicColorFound.length > 0) { isDynamicColorCodeFound.push(dynamicColorFound); } } } }); } if(isDynamicColorCodeFound.length > 0) { defaultColor = isDynamicColorCodeFound[0][0].urlcode; } else { defaultColor = getCookie("urlCode"); } return defaultColor; } function getOnlyTags(str) { var txt = document.createElement("div"); txt.setAttribute("id", "tagsDiv"); txt.classList.add('hide'); txt.innerHTML = str; document.body.append(txt); var tags = $("#tagsDiv").find("p"); tags = tags[tags.length - 1]; tags = $(tags).text(); $("#tagsDiv").remove(); return tags; } /** * @input - Cookie name * @output - Value against requested cookie name. * @description - This function will return the desired value of requested cookie. **/ function getCookie(cname) { var name = cname + "="; var decodedCookie = decodeURIComponent(document.cookie); var ca = decodedCookie.split(';'); for (var i = 0; i < ca.length; i++) { var c = ca[i]; while (c.charAt(0) == ' ') { c = c.substring(1); } if (c.indexOf(name) == 0) { return c.substring(name.length, c.length); } } return ""; } /** * @input - array to be filtered, text with which array will be filtered * @output - return array matching textKey * @description - Pass array to be filtered and pass textKat as second parameter based on which this array will be filtered **/ function asPerFiltering(arrayToBeFiltered, textKey) { return $.grep(arrayToBeFiltered, function(filterElement) { var name = filterElement.name.toLowerCase(); return (name.indexOf(textKey.toLowerCase()) > -1); }) } /** * @input - string to be modified * @output - keywords having hashtags will be removed. * @description - This function will remove keywords with hashtags fromt the end of a string. **/ function removeHashTags(str) { return str.split("#")[0]; } /** * @name - myGroups * @input - loggedIn userID, selector div, type of groups (list / grid) * @output - subscribed groups of the loggedIn user. * @description - This will return the subscribed groups of the loggedIn user * @scope - global **/ function myGroups(communityUserID, selector, defineType = "list", limit = 5, loadingDiv = ".groups-loader", urlcode) { var myGroupHTML = ''; if (communityUserID != "" || communityUserID != undefined || communityUserID != 0) { jQuery.ajax({ method: "GET", url: base_url + "api/v2/groups", data: { "memberID": communityUserID, "limit": limit }, beforeSend: function() { // initiating a loader $(loadingDiv).toggleClass("hide"); }, success: function(data) { if (data.length > 0) { $("#no-groups").hide(); $(selector).find("p").attr("hidden", "hidden"); if (data.length > 5) { $(selector).closest('.content-entry').addClass('scroll-active'); } if (communityUserID == 0) { data = $.grep(data, function(privateGroups) { return privateGroups.privacy.toLowerCase() == "public"; }); } data = asPerSorting(data, "name", "asc"); $.each(data, function(index, myGroups) { if (myGroups.iconUrl != null) { var groupImage = myGroups.iconUrl; } else { var groupImage = ""; } positionToAdd = myGroups.url.indexOf("/group"); myGroups.url = [myGroups.url.slice(0, (positionToAdd)), "/" + currentLocale, myGroups.url.slice(positionToAdd)].join(''); if (defineType == 'list') { myGroupHTML += '

Welcome to the FamilySearch Community! (1)' + myGroups.name + '

' + myGroups.countDiscussions + ' ' + myGroups.countMembers + '

'; } else { var defaultColor = setDefaulturlCode(myGroups.body); myGroups.colorCode = defaultColor; if (myGroups.groupID != null) { var type = "Group"; } myGroupHTML += '

' + removeHashTags(myGroups.name) + '' + myGroups.countDiscussions + ' ' + myGroups.countMembers + '

'; } }); if (defineType == 'list') { $(selector).find(".show-all-content").find("a").attr("href", "/" + currentLocale + "/categories/gp-groups?route=my-"); $(selector).find(".show-all-content").find("a").removeAttr("hidden"); // myGroupHTML += '

View All

'; } $(selector).find(".main-content").html(myGroupHTML); } else { $("#no-groups").show(); $(selector).find("p").removeAttr("hidden"); } $('*[data-id="' + urlcode + '"]').removeClass("nullPointer"); filterableGroups = data; $(loadingDiv).toggleClass("hide"); $('#custom-tabs-loader').addClass('hide'); } }); } else { $(selector).find("p").removeAttr("hidden"); $('#custom-tabs-loader').addClass('hide'); } } /** * @input - urlcode, id of selected pill/category, name of selected pill/category * @output - This will return matched groups as per the selection. */ function changePill(ID, Label, urlcode, filterArray = [], source = 0) { $('#custom-tabs-loader').removeClass('hide'); $("#no-groups").hide(); $('#dynamic-group-tabs-wrapper').removeClass('has-filters'); $('*[data-id="'+urlcode+'"]').addClass("nullPointer"); // if ($(window).width() < 767) { // $('.inner-content > a').click(function(e) { // $('.inner-content').slideUp(350); // $('.list-wrap').html($("#v-pills-tab").children('.active').html()); // }); // } var defaultColor = urlcode; $("#dynamic-tab-content").find(".main-content").html(""); $(".discussion-heading").text(Label); if(source == 1) { setCookie("categoryID", ID); setCookie("categoryName", Label) setCookie("urlCode", urlcode); } var isGroupFound = []; var cardHTML = ""; allGroupCategories = allCategoriesData; if(urlcode.indexOf("my-") > -1) { $(".filters-area").html(""); if(communityUserID == "" || communityUserID == undefined || communityUserID == 0) { // cardHTML += "

No groups were found.

"; // $("#dynamic-tab-content").find(".main-content").html(cardHTML); $("#no-groups").show(); $('*[data-id="'+urlcode+'"]').removeClass("nullPointer"); $('*[data-id="'+urlcode+'"]').removeClass("nullPointer"); $('#custom-tabs-loader').addClass('hide'); } else { myGroups(communityUserID, "#dynamic-tab-content", "grid", 500, ".groups-loader"); $('*[data-id="'+urlcode+'"]').removeClass("nullPointer"); } } else if (urlcode.indexOf("all-") > -1) { $(".filters-area").html(""); $.ajax({ url : base_url + "api/v2/groups", method : "GET", data : {"limit" : 500, "page" : 1}, beforeSend: function() { // setting a loader $(".groups-loader").toggleClass("hide"); }, success : function(data){ type = DEFAULT_DATA_TYPE; if(data.length > 0) { $("#no-groups").hide(); $("#groupFilterField,#filterSort").show(); if(communityUserID == 0) { data = $.grep(data, function(privateGroups) { return privateGroups.privacy.toLowerCase() == "public"; }); } data = asPerSorting(data, "name"); cardHTML += createHTML(data, DEFAULT_DATA_TYPE); } else { // cardHTML += '

No groups were found.

'; $("#no-groups").show(); $("#groupFilterField,#filterSort").hide(); $('*[data-id="'+urlcode+'"]').removeClass("nullPointer"); } $("#dynamic-tab-content").find(".main-content").html(cardHTML); $(".groups-loader").toggleClass("hide"); $('*[data-id="'+urlcode+'"]').removeClass("nullPointer"); filterableGroups = data; $('#custom-tabs-loader').addClass('hide'); } }); } else { var promise = new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { var matchingGroup = Label.split(" "); $.ajax({ url : base_url + "api/v2/groups", method : "GET", data : {"limit" : 500, "page" : 1, "sort" : "-dateInserted"}, beforeSend: function() { // setting a loader $(".groups-loader").toggleClass("hide"); }, success : function(data){ var isFilteredGroupFound = []; /** Filtering groups from the api list based on selected group from left panel */ if(currentLocale != "en") { var localeGroups = $.grep(data, function(localeGp){ return localeGp.body.toLowerCase().search("#" + urlcode.split("-")[0]) > -1; }); if(localeGroups.length > 0) { if(communityUserID == 0) { localeGroups = $.grep(localeGroups, function(privateGroups) { return privateGroups.privacy.toLowerCase() == "public"; }); } $.each(localeGroups, function(pushIndex, pushGroup) { isGroupFound.push(pushGroup); }); } } else { var localeGroups = data; $.each(matchingGroup, function(index, nameArray){ nameArray = nameArray.trim(); var GroupFound = $.grep(localeGroups, function(e){ if(e.body.toLowerCase().search("#"+nameArray.toLowerCase()+"-") == -1) { return (e.body.toLowerCase().search("#"+nameArray.toLowerCase()) > -1); } }); if(GroupFound.length > 0) { if(communityUserID == 0) { GroupFound = $.grep(GroupFound, function(privateGroups) { return privateGroups.privacy.toLowerCase() == "public"; }); } $.each(GroupFound, function(pushIndex, pushGroup) { isGroupFound.push(pushGroup); }); } }); } if(isGroupFound.length != 0) { $("#no-groups").hide(); $("#groupFilterField,#filterSort").show(); var cardHTML = ""; var foundRecords= []; if(filterArray.length > 0) { //Updated Filter code $.each(isGroupFound, function(currentIndex, appliedFilter){ var isMatched = false; for(var i = 0; i < filterArray.length; i ++ ) { var currentFilter = filterArray[i]; var filterNameValue = currentFilter.value.toLowerCase(); if(appliedFilter.body.toLowerCase().search(filterNameValue) > -1){ isMatched = true; } } if(isMatched){ foundRecords.push(appliedFilter); } }); isGroupFound = foundRecords; } if(isGroupFound.length > 0) { $("#no-groups").hide(); $("#groupFilterField,#filterSort").show(); firstTimeData.push(isGroupFound); isGroupFound = asPerSorting(isGroupFound, "name"); filterableGroups = isGroupFound; customFilterGroups = [...filterableGroups]; $.each(isGroupFound, function(ind,ele){ var type = "Category"; if(ele.groupID != null) { type = DEFAULT_DATA_TYPE; } if(type == "Category"){ cardHTML += '


'; } else if(type == DEFAULT_DATA_TYPE){ if(Label == "Featured Groups") { /** * Get all dynamic groups color for featured groups cards * This will add dynamic different colors for all the cards by mapping them with the group they are coming from. **/ defaultColor = setDefaulturlCode(ele.body); } ele.colorCode = defaultColor; var urlCode = removeHashTags(ele.name); urlCode = urlCode.replace(/ /g, "-").toLowerCase(); var defaultGroupImage = "https://us.v-cdn.net/6032564/uploads/groups/icons/M9TA3RJ47HXS.jpg"; if(ele.iconUrl != null) { var defaultGroupImage = ele.iconUrl; } positionToAdd = ele.url.indexOf("/group"); if(ele.url.indexOf("/"+currentLocale) == -1) { ele.url = [ele.url.slice(0, (positionToAdd)), "/"+currentLocale, ele.url.slice(positionToAdd)].join(''); } cardHTML += '

'+removeHashTags(ele.name)+''+ele.countDiscussions+' '+ele.countMembers+'

'; } }); } else { // cardHTML = "

No groups were found.

"; cardHTML = ''; $("#no-groups").show(); $("#groupFilterField,#filterSort").hide(); } } else { // cardHTML = "

No groups were found.

"; cardHTML = ''; $("#no-groups").show(); $("#groupFilterField,#filterSort").hide(); } $("#dynamic-tab-content").find(".main-content").html(cardHTML); $(".groups-loader").toggleClass("hide"); $('*[data-id="'+urlcode+'"]').removeClass("nullPointer"); //Set filters if(Label == "Research Groups") { //Filter Html for research group $('#dynamic-group-tabs-wrapper').addClass('has-filters'); const filtersAres = '

Filter By:


'; $(".filters-area").html(filtersAres); if(undefined != getCookie('hideLocation') && (getCookie("hideLocation") == true || getCookie("hideLocation") == "true")) { $("#location").parent().addClass("hide"); } } else { $(".filters-area").html(""); } $('#custom-tabs-loader').addClass('hide'); } }); }); } } const currentLocale = getLocale(); var getCategories = function getAllCategories() { var dicussionCategoryArray = []; var categoryCodeName = getUrlSuffix(); categoryUrlCode = getURLParameters(GROUP_TYPE); jQuery.ajax({ url : base_url + "api/v2/categories", method : "GET", beforeSend: function() { // setting a loader $("#custom-tabs-loader").removeClass("hide"); }, data : (categoryCodeName && categoryCodeName !== "embed") ? {"parentCategoryCode" : categoryCodeName, "outputFormat": "flat"} : {"outputFormat": "flat"}, success : function(response){ allCategoriesData = [...response]; if(allCategoriesData.length > 0) allCategoriesData = allCategoriesData.filter(acd => acd.depth === 3); var html = ""; if(allCategoriesData.length == 0){ $('#dynamic-group-tabs-wrapper').hide(); } $.each(allCategoriesData, function(ind,ele){ html += ''+ele.name+''; }); $("#dynamic-group-tabs-wrapper #tab-container").append(html); if(categoryUrlCode == "") { if(currentLocale != "en") { if($("#tab-container").find(".tablinks").length > 2) { categoryUrlCode = $("#tab-container").find(".tablinks")[0]; //2 } else if($("#tab-container").find(".tablinks").length == 2) { categoryUrlCode = $("#tab-container").find(".tablinks")[0]; //1 } else { categoryUrlCode = $("#tab-container").find(".tablinks")[0]; } categoryUrlCode = $(categoryUrlCode).data("id"); } else { categoryUrlCode = $("#tab-container").find(".tablinks")[0]; //2 categoryUrlCode = $(categoryUrlCode).data("id"); } //categoryUrlCode = "featured-groups"; } else if(categoryUrlCode == "rootstechsupport") { categoryUrlCode = "rootstech"; } else { // if(currentLocale != "en") { // if($("#tab-container").find(".tablinks").length > 2) { // categoryUrlCode = $("#tab-container").find(".tablinks")[0]; //2 // } else if($("#tab-container").find(".tablinks").length == 2) { // categoryUrlCode = $("#tab-container").find(".tablinks")[0]; //1 // } else { // categoryUrlCode = $("#tab-container").find(".tablinks")[0]; // } // categoryUrlCode = $(categoryUrlCode).data("id"); // } else { categoryUrlCode = categoryUrlCode; // } } $("#custom-tabs-loader").toggleClass("hide"); $("#custom-tabs-loader").toggleClass("hide"); const selectedEle = $('#tab-container').find("*[data-id='"+categoryUrlCode+"']"); $(selectedEle).addClass("active"); $(selectedEle).click(); $('body').find("#dynamic-group-tabs-wrapper .dynamic-group-tabs").addClass('active'); $('body').find('#dynamic-tab-content .tabContent:first-child').addClass('active'); $('body').find('.dynamic-group-tabs .tablinks').on('click',function(){ $(this).addClass('active'); $(this).siblings().removeClass('active'); }); return allCategoriesData; $('#custom-tabs-loader').addClass('hide'); } });}getCategories();


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Article information

Author: Errol Quitzon

Last Updated:

Views: 5940

Rating: 4.9 / 5 (59 voted)

Reviews: 90% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Errol Quitzon

Birthday: 1993-04-02

Address: 70604 Haley Lane, Port Weldonside, TN 99233-0942

Phone: +9665282866296

Job: Product Retail Agent

Hobby: Computer programming, Horseback riding, Hooping, Dance, Ice skating, Backpacking, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Errol Quitzon, I am a fair, cute, fancy, clean, attractive, sparkling, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.