#oc | tomboyjessie13 (2024)

Miyake Hakushika (三宅 白鹿)Age: 18Height: 156-157 cmShika is very energetic and cheerful by nature, especially when she is surrounded by people from her very narrow circle of communication. Due to the fact that in average school in her hometown, Hakushika was homeschooled (at the age of 12), her socialization skills were greatly lowered, and her frequent sources of inspiration for certain patterns of behavior were manga, sometimes of questionable content.She loves to draw attention to herself, is very amorous and annoying. Miyake's favorite activities are definitely reading manga, watching anime, cooking desserts and "to create beauty". Shika likes to play with her hairstyle options, especially on summer holidays, as well as look for combinations in makeup and clothes.Due to the frequent reading of manga of 'questionable content', some vulgarity has become part of her character. Miyake is a tactile person. If you are her friend or partner, then you can forget about personal boundaries. She focuses on the smell of a person, can start hugging or cuddling like a kitten.

(Hakushika with his older brother Makoto)

Hakushika was born in a large Japanese seaside city - Aomori. She spent her entire childhood there with her older brother, and then, when she was 15, moved to Morio to live with her grandfather. This decision on the part of the parents was due to the fact that in a big city, Shika can cause great trouble by contacting bullies, gyaru and completely give up on any kind of study. In general, they were right, because Hakushika's character was conducive to easy acquaintance, although because of her initiative it almost never turned into friendship.

(The cuties stayed in an empty classroom after the bell and exchanged glances)

Miyake's grandfather was a long-time good friend of Ryohei Higashikata, and when Josuke and Hakushika were 4 years old and Makoto 6 year, Tomoko babysitting them a couple of times. All the children had known each other since an early age, but they didn't come back before the move.

Accordingly, when Makoto and Hakushika moved to Morio, Josuke did not recognize them after so many years, and the relationship was built as if they were strangers.Shika immediately noticed a big guy in her class and began to pester him quickly enough: first through homework and questions about school, then she came up with a sophisticated plan that was based on falling in front of Josuke, as if Hakushika was too clumsy not to stumble out of the blue. She repeated this from time to time, and from time to time Josuke caught her almost always.This was repeated until JoJo, as if it were a learned command, began to constantly look at Miyake to make sure that she was all right and she was safe.

When Keicho was rioting in the town, creating Stand Users, Shika also fell under his arrow. That day, she wanted to surprise Josuke by coming to visit him in her old school uniform, but when Miyake was wounded, she cried because she did not want to appear in front of her hypothetical boyfriend in this form and in bloodstained clothes....

You can read a little more about the stand here:

Fristailer sketchStand "Rebel Yell" (refers to Billy Idol - Rebel Yell)The stand looks more like a state between a viscous liquid and plasticine. HakushikaTumblr

Jojo and Shika's relationship began to spin quite quickly, since starting from high school, Shika literally did not give him a pass, and, one might say, won his heart with her perseverance, some randomness of their thoughts, actions and desire to give all her love and spend all her time with him (even if Makoto's was against). In 1999, their relationship was limited to only small walks, because Josuke was constantly busy with his adventures.Full-fledged love was formed only the following year, when teenagers began to spend more and more time with each other, and by 2001 they become inseparable.

Little things about the character:

  • Hakushika grew up in a big sea city and loves everything related to the sea: splashing in the water, collecting shells and all that sort of thing.
  • Most likely, she will try to shove a small piece of her stand into your mouth.
  • Next to Josuke or her brother, she practically does not use glasses, completely trusting them completely myself.
  • Miyake will definitely appreciate it if you suggest doing some kind of mischief.
  • Sometimes she steals something from the store, like chocolate bars, or carries it under her clothes to the school classroom.
  • Hakushika cheats on tests and control using his stand.
  • There are two cats living in her grandfather's house in Morio that Shika would never want to introduce to someone who is not her closest friend.
  • She clearly has a little randomizer of ideas in her head.
  • Miyake adores David Bowie and pop music.
  • Hakushika has phasmophobia.
#oc | tomboyjessie13 (2024)


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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.