How to search text files for string? | Bytes (2024)


How to search text files for string? | Bytes (1) 7 New Member

Hi all
This sounds easy and I'm sure it is but i'm just having so much trouble. I have a directory with text files. I want to search the text files for a string and return the name of the file that containes the string. I've tried various way below ut unsuccessfully. Please could someone take a look and offer some assistance?

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  1. stringdirectory=@"D:\SearchFolder";
  2. DirectoryInfodirinfo=newDirectoryInfo(directory);
  3. FileInfo[]files=dirinfo.GetFiles("EE*.PRN");
  4. foreach(FileInfoiinfiles)
  5. {
  6. List<string>lines=File.ReadAllLines(i.ToString().ToList());
  7. foreach(stringlineinlines)
  8. {
  9. if(line.Contains("UNIQUESTRING"))
  10. textBox2.Text+=i+"contains"+line.ToString()+Environment.NewLine;
  11. }
  12. //Regex.Match(i,"UNIQUESTRING");
  13. //if(Regex.Match(i,"UNIQUESTRING"))
  14. //{
  15. //MessageBox.Show("Filewithregexis:"+i);
  16. //}
  17. //stringex=null;
  18. //ex=(fromlineinFile.ReadAllLines(i)
  19. //whereline=="UNIQUESTRING"
  20. //selectline).ToString();
  21. }

Jul 5 '09 #1

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6 How to search text files for string? | Bytes (2) 21887 How to search text files for string? | Bytes (3)


3,525 How to search text files for string? | Bytes (5) Recognized Expert Specialist

Are you actually looking for the word "UNIQUESTRI NG" in all upper case?
Or is UNIQUESTRING meant to be a variable thus shouldn't have quotes around it?

.Contains is case-sensitive so could that be the issue? You are searching for upper case in a lower case file?

Jul 5 '09 #2



7 How to search text files for string? | Bytes (6) New Member

Yes, the string would be in all uppercase. The contents of the text files are also in uppercase.

Jul 5 '09 #3



7 How to search text files for string? | Bytes (7) New Member

I should probably add that the snippet of code does not compile as i'm having some more type problems.

Jul 5 '09 #4



3,525 How to search text files for string? | Bytes (9) Recognized Expert Specialist

Well... yeah... Not compiling will keeping it from finding what you are searching for.

Jul 5 '09 #5


Curtis Rutland

3,256 How to search text files for string? | Bytes (11) Recognized Expert Specialist

This should help:

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  1. stringpath=@"c:\dev\somedir";
  2. stringsearchtext="something";
  3. DirectoryInfodi=newDirectoryInfo(path);
  4. FileInfo[]files=di.GetFiles("*.txt");
  5. foreach(FileInfofileinfiles)
  6. {
  7. using(StreamReadersr=newStreamReader(file.FullName))
  8. {
  9. stringcontent=sr.ReadToEnd().ToLower();
  10. if(content.Contains(searchtext.ToLower()))
  11. Console.WriteLine("{0}contains\"{1}\"",file.Name,searchtext);
  12. else
  13. Console.WriteLine("{0}doesnotcontain\"{1}\"",file.Name,searchtext);
  14. }
  15. }

This is written for a console app, so you will have to make appropriate changes.

Jul 6 '09 #6



1 How to search text files for string? | Bytes (12) New Member

This code is developed in C# and working wel. I have not much time so i did not finished in well maners. You can use this code to search your file according to your Question .

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  1. DirectoryInfodir=newDirectoryInfo(@"d:\TextFiles\");//dirwhereyouwanttusearchyourfile
  2. FileInfo[]fileInfo=dir.GetFiles();
  3. foreach(FileInfofileinfileInfo)
  4. {
  5. StreamReadersr=newStreamReader(file.FullName);
  6. stringallRead=sr.ReadToEnd();
  7. sr.Close();
  8. stringfileName=file.Name;
  9. if(Regex.IsMatch(allRead,"UNIQUESTRING"))
  10. {
  11. MessageBox.Show("Found:"+fileName);
  12. break;
  13. }
  14. else
  15. {
  16. MessageBox.Show("NotFound");
  17. }
  18. }

Feb 28 '11 #7


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How to search text files for string? | Bytes (2024)


How can we search for strings in files? ›

Use the grep command to search the specified file for the pattern specified by the Pattern parameter and writes each matching line to standard output. This displays all lines in the pgm. s file that begin with a letter.

How to search text in multiple text files? ›

Let's look at the top 5 options for searching text in multiple Word documents.
  1. SeekFast. The easiest and most convenient tool for searching text in multiple Word files is SeekFast. ...
  2. File Explorer. File Explorer is the built-in Windows program for working with files. ...
  3. PowerGrep. ...
  4. Agent Ransack. ...
  5. DocFetcher. ...
  6. Conclusion.
Jan 28, 2021

How to find all files containing a specific text string on Windows? ›

Windows Search Content
  1. Type “Indexing options” in the Windows Search Bar and select Indexing Options from the results.
  2. From the Indexing Options window, click Advanced at the bottom.
  3. Under Advanced Options, click on the File types tab. ...
  4. Check the option Indexed Properties and File contents option and click OK to confirm.

How do I search for a string in all text files in a folder? ›

  1. Method 1 of 2:Searching for Documents Containing Certain Text. Press ⊞ Win+S. ...
  2. Type indexing options. A list of matching results will appear.
  3. Click Indexing Options. ...
  4. Click Advanced. ...
  5. Click the File Types tab. ...
  6. Select Index Properties and File Contents. ...
  7. Click OK. ...
  8. Press ⊞ Win+S.
Aug 12, 2022

How do I search for a string in a list of files? ›

You should learn Data Structures & Algorithms. Now, we will use the grep command with the -l option to search for text in given files located inside the current directory. See the following example: It can be clearly said from the above example that the grep command has successfully found the given string in file1.

How do I search for a specific string? ›

The search() method searches a string for a string (or a regular expression) and returns the position of the match:
  1. Examples. let text = "Please locate where 'locate' occurs!"; ...
  2. Examples. Perform a search for "ain": ...
  3. Examples. Check if a string includes "world": ...
  4. Examples. Returns true: ...
  5. Returns false: ...
  6. Examples.

How do I search text contents of files? ›

Search file contents
  1. In Windows 10, click on "Advanced options" -> "File Contents."
  2. In Windows 11, type the search words and click on the "Search options" -> "File Contents."
Aug 21, 2024

How to find strings in multiple files in Windows? ›

To search for multiple strings in a set of files, you must create a text file that contains each search criterion on a separate line. Use spaces to separate multiple search strings unless the argument is prefixed with /c.

How do I search for a string in multiple word documents? ›

Click on “Search.” Put a tick mark against “Always search file names and content.” Now, Windows will show the content of those folders you have selected and their sub-folders. As soon as the indexing stops, you can search words in the upper right corner of the File Explorer.

How do I search all TXT files? ›

Enter the following command line: ls *. txt.

How do I find all files that contain two strings? ›

To search the current directory for all files that contain two independent strings, you can use the following terminal command: grep -lr "common" $(grep -lr "rare" .)

What command would you use to find a string in all files? ›

To find all files containing a specific text (string) on a Linux system, you can use the grep command. grep is a powerful command-line utility that searches for patterns within files.

How do I find a string in a text file? ›

Finding the index of the string in the text file using readline() In this method, we are using the readline() function, and checking with the find() function, this method returns -1 if the value is not found and if found it returns 0.

How do I find a file that contains a string? ›

How to find files which contains defined text in Linux and...
  1. apt-get update && apt install grep. Command to install in RedHat-based OS (like Centos) is:
  2. yum install grep. To find all files with required string just run:
  3. grep -r <looked_for_text> <dir>
Feb 2, 2023

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How to Search for a Specific Phrase in Windows 10 File Explorer
  1. Open Windows Explorer.
  2. Type the following string in the search box: content:”your phrase” ...
  3. You will see the colour of the text changes to light blue – I assume this means Windows recognises this as a specific instruction.
Aug 18, 2018

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Search file contents

To search the text of the documents: In Windows 10, click on "Advanced options" -> "File Contents." In Windows 11, type the search words and click on the "Search options" -> "File Contents."

Which command will search for a text string in a file? ›

To search for a text string in a file, you can use the grep command. grep is a powerful command-line tool used for searching text patterns within files. Syntax : grep "text string" file_name.

How do you check if a string is present in a file? ›

  1. if you use a text editor, you can use the “Find” function in the editor menu interface or with keyboard commands, but if you want to do it programmatically, write a script to read the file and compare strings.
  2. If the string is contained in a single line, a read line by line is OK.
Feb 19, 2022


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Name: Jerrold Considine

Birthday: 1993-11-03

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Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.