San Angelo Standard-Times from San Angelo, Texas (2024)

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San Angelo Standard-Timesi

San Angelo, Texas

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A Public Naticas Plumbing 36 Rsal Estate loam HOMES AND IClJ ClT PROPERTY LOANA WH wfll bo glad ta a am at you ta ftaaactag of your aew hom*o or purchase afar 29 Hslp Wantsd Ftmala WANTED Experienced Alteration Lady Permanent pestttea pleasant war king ta person caudMlana Apply irROM THE TOP OF THE Army Moves Into Stock Disease War SAN ANTONIO Sept 5 The Army has moved into the fight against foot and mouth disease in Mexico Dr Dye veterinarian in charge of the Bureau of Animal Industry office hers said today Tbs Army's aid is In tbs form of eight mobile repair units The Army machine shops will operate out of the field district headquarters It Is believed the unite will save about 30 per cent of the time necessary to repair broken down transportation and digging machinery used ia the eradication program Joint Lions Kiwonis Session At Coleman COLEMAN SepL 5 Coleman Lions and Klwanis will meet ia a Joint cession Tuesday night at 7 In the high school lunchroom for a kickoff program for the school year A program Is being arranged with Jeanes of Klwanis and Ross Russell and Jim Gardner of Lions In charge San Angelo Standard-Ti SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 6 1947 rye la tbs co*ke County Soil Coo serration District Tho retch will bo seeded this fall with small grain at 'the rate of eight pounds of retch per aero Tho seed Is to bo treated before pisiithig with an laoculant la order to Insure maximum nitrogen forming bacterial actlrlty on tho roots Vetch Is being Included in the crop rotation by these district cooperators primarily tor the purpose of oil building Nino double deck carloads of sheep around 2800 were shipped from the Midwest Feed Yards hers Friday Ererctt Lomax Big Spring president of the Howard County Hereford Breeders Association was in San Angelo Friday on business He announced the annual fall tour of the association would be made next Thursday and Friday The breeders are to visit the ranches la the northern and eastern parts of the county on Thursday and the western and southern portions of the county on Friday There will be a barbecue dinner served both days Tho second dsy the barbecue Is to bo held at tho I Cauble ranch Southwest of Big Spring Cauble is planning to show a big number of his Hereford! to the visitor Lomax said scattered rains over Howard County last week did very little good but some favored spots are doing welL He has all his cultivated acreage in cotton this year and expects to harvest a fair crop provided there is more rainfall CUrtia Stevens San Angelo ranchman ia hack from the races He still has two horses ia SL Louis where they will take part ia the race meet there this month He last raced at Dade Park Henderson Ky where his horses won a first and two seconds At SL Louis during the spring meet his horses won three races Mr and Mrs Othro Adams Fort Stockton have moved into their new home recently purchased bom Wallace Fort Stock-ton The Wallaces are to build a new residence soon Adams is a livestock commission dealer at Fort Stockton $25000 In Prizes For Horse Show SAN FRANCISCO Sept 5 UT The horse show of the 1647 grand National livestock Exposition will offer 625000 in prizes in 11 divisions with three more classes than last year The Exposition at the cow palace Nov 1-9 will have Tevis Paine as horse show manager IHIAMCIHI ILdPAMS CONNECTICUT GENERAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Paul Dague Mgr 1011 Southwestern Ufa Bldg Dallas Texas WESTBROOK Loan Correspondent 70S McBumatt Building San Angela Texas CLYDE OOCESURM hom*o Sorateta SopUe tanka cleaned Modem truly no at Town ar ooanlry Dial IBM ar Sand Gravel A Dirt ANALYZED YARD DIRT Blaefe msagulte aoO PartlUaor and caliche Washed aaad aad graraL Plowing Leveling aad Excavating BASIL HAVINS Phone 6052 Ail Types Washed and Screened SAND AND GRAVEL Theo Montgomery Pk MfS Mth A Mortb WnartalpS Sewing EWINO ehUdrva'a ctotkaa apaclal-ty Phony 1UH 431 Prauamr PLAIN and fancy aawlng Children's clothes and alteratloas a speciality fteaaaaabte rates 3013 South Jackaaa HIM ORESSMAKINO and taltetod auto Phono MM SOM Travis Street aa Eaba view OREBSMAIUNO buttonhole a a Phono 47Sd Seat Caver Shops TAILOR-MADE SEAT COVERS Convertible tops Cnnopioau Floor Mata Awnings Note books with sippers and rape trod TRIM SHOP 1414 Boantugnrd Ftmne 383b PAYNE PAYNE Termite ixtormiwatlow OUS Mntohaw rrrmlte Main iaoa-1 free kiMrUm TICES route! Ksterminallna Boa 4M Pico HuaaetiocL eacimatva no down aatmrnl frrmi to 1'ilL 3433 TERMITES A RATIONAL OrgankaUoa ta Termite loa write lor ExtermlntUfiR lal "TRUTH ASOUT TERMITES ROACHES AND MOTHS FREE INSPECTION AND nXUU Hava year ruga treated now Wells Exterminating Co Bov ISM Vsnotiow Blind Mtgs CAY-McKINNEY Venetian Blinds Where Quality aad Price Mrvt home ar offlca tadlvtduaily fitted Katimatea (ran Ra pairing nflnlab- Joe ftL Gay Jr 7 Doe) McKinney Pk M18-1 31b Oaken VENT-O-LITE Venetian Blinds 7-DAY SERVICE CUSTOM-PUILf BLINDS REPIN IMIINO EAST TERMS VENT-O-LITE VENETIAN BLIND MFC CO Oldest la West Tvsea- Sid Langford Owner SMI Carlsbad Hoad Phono 8434 VENETIAN BLINDS Casta- charge ar bodes! Sea aa for guaittr wood aiuaUnam ar steel bliadn Regular slam tat Immediate delivery Others ulthia II days Free mmaurtna aerates If need- THE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS COMPANY 631 Chadbourns Ph 7540 Bsauty-Ute Venetian Blinds Kettler Venetian Blind Co 130 West Avenue A ALUMINUM stoat epg wood aBada auatam mada Daltvara with la 8S mllaa Saphyv urutUated awi Easy paymrnt plea Dial 6182 Venetian Blinds Quality Yaaattau Blinds Out ids Vmctiaa Slinda ocurltr Ht-Ria Weatka-Raitod Parch Shadaa Inal-Cottou inauiauaa SAN ANCELO AWNING INSULATING CO 1923' Oakes Dial 6453 VENETIAN BLINDS Terms ta ss laches wtda 81 tar baa ILU aaata Eoelair aluminum awa-taga autaida Yenetiaa ailada toatda Venatiaa Minda Old allnda ruaatrad McCAIN BLIND CO as a Chadbaama Pta tin EMPLOYMENT 29 Help Wanted Fomala CARHOP apply ta S3 Mancha Drive-la Avaaua South Pitta WANTED ailk blocker: permanent Job bates Cleaners 118 Irvlng- MIDDLE-agvd white woman te live te home sad help cam tor tavalM woman Phene HIM MIDDLE-agvd woman with aulet hosM te cam tor valid wooian State prtra and aaportoaca Write Bos 33-X Atandard-TInioa WANTED oaporianaod uaMrovv carhopa and fry cuaa Apply late Oablv II1J Wot Woaurogard WANTED rolnrod bus atria Apply HoaHaa Cartua Hotel tuttao Hop EXPEKIKNCED waitroama wanted Apply te porwm Taaaa Ortll WAtTKEtiSCS wanted Apply after I- Melody Club WOMAN ta care for child rva aad da houaeaorki must Uva mm place Pta 4841-3 LUSIUU UNUIkTiCI Build year awa easiness ScU LUZXXJLS tmm mauca la Mae Aerate Phoue ik4l 1 WANTED saleswoman Only os perienced mod apply Solomaa'a Woman's Wear and faktora wanted Ap ply In Modal Laundry GENERAL laaworfe and cooking for employed family Room hoard $13 weekly Ptamo tilt-L 3414- WANTXU osperlenred Bilk kio er and finisher 84 par week Manor Cleaners Mt Carney Tea as laraa national atsaa-taotioa needs luo saleswomen lor Aon Angelo 38 ta Mt wha collaaa training Must bare rnr Must ba wllfcng and Able to give full tlne la aeUIng by appelntmanL Weekly oarataga average 81M Write euail-ficauona to Boa 3S-X Stand ard-TImea WANTED experienced fountain girl Day nark aaly Apply Roosevelt Drag OIRL cook and general haute work Uva mm pines Good salary Pbeae 83SS- EX PERIENCED ailk prosier Apply person only Aaata Run Clraa-are Na 1 1314 West Beauregard WANTED white girt ar venal te care lor children Koom board aad eatery- Phono 3333-8 PBX OPERATOR WANTED See MIL LACY NAYLOR HOTEL ALE bills meat to paid at Hall's reef Stare mat later tkaa Srwta-lor Oth would Ilka to thank all My maay easterner for thalr loyalty Hall IMS aody IMS aaataa silvar Peak aehoal boa Ckrtnid To sell ta highest bidder Sea this bus at lry Motor a Ha Sort Loa Tessa All kids Must ba ta Monday the Btk la a Leave bids at Judge's sfllce mart KLBCTRECT kaalth macklna tor aa thrttla ilan aad aUwr polaa Said by the late Mrs A Haynes Haw eold by Mra at Slaton Praaaaar Mia ANY OLD BOOKS Waal Takes in sf a Saak wrtttoa Joaetlea by Mary ST Jeouee Texas Ranch Ufa A Kkarni onto wtu aa paid far apv ia good eoudfilok WRITE BOX 1-X STANDARD-TIMES BUSINESS SERVICES Carpet Installations LATINO repairing binding re stretching patching carpels ruga Anywhere any Unsa Quality work kianahlp' FMJZ lilt South Irving Concrete Work FOR bast guallty Ula and concrete waib Nu oh tan amalL Homan UtUa Phono THM 'PM complete eaera wark wiu aa anywhere call Laaa 48738 goal 33nd St root COMBINATION stone wark Plenty rrtereacea IS AoulA Archer Ow a Taung POH ceeu'tete aad aatiafactary re arete ana tUe work aaU JAM LITTLE 11R Carpentering CARPENTER sad cone rate wark wealed Repair remodeling Reasonable Apply sr bare moasage East CONTRACT er general carpenter work Mare than as years npert sacs White SBf rmumr tall BUILD IN rspnking ra mode ling Plaited ar acre and-Id pore ha a Hall mate a II tarry 1MM batata after A tot CARPENTER watk aad by contract ar by hear Call Stewart RH4 LET aa flgara Umtknildlag tr rpato at tor ysu OWC Ca as WALT'S Purnttors Repair aad PM ahoy Repair anything: hoaao le voltes East Harrta MIM CARPENTER anted Repair Tatlmaio ling now ITT CONDI Floor Sanding FLOOR aandtag Will rent machine Phans Ul PLOOR anadtas fleers Own 1M Waal Z3nd aprctallM In Rasa FLOOR SANDERS FOR RENT hr rant aU kteda af BOWMAN LUMBER CO 100T Chadbourns Pta 7113 CLARKE SANDING MACHINE FOR RENT ALSO sdi ad car aad poUabar and aappUea Paint TVpartmaf SEARS ROEBUCK CO SXOOR snadteg pawar Aaptaalt Adams Phone THERE Is a difference Ws have same bargains Boles Floor Ca PLOOR era equlpmaaL go anywhere nny Urns: all work guaranteed- Eattmnwa baa nay Urns Fnr 1HM RIOOR agulpmsnc Wa ga anywhere Prsmpl aerates WllilAMS Ptal IMS East Furriars PURS repaired raawdelad tallei-made and trims See Mra Williams 13 Bast 1th reel Dial TOIL Furniture Rafinixhing CACTUS Puraitura Beftatablnd paay Wa ro finish lawn bams ar Mat luggage LUCCACE REPAIRING THUMEli kipper bag repairing and rafUlaklag Saar aerates Metal 'atppora tor ante all auaa Laggaga ANCELO LUCCACE DIAL 4572 1 Concha Naylor Hotel Bldg Pointing A Papering HOUSE painting desired by haw-carpentering Barney Holgate mat Park Westland Park Ad PAPERHANOINO over aheebwck room aad ip Painting dans raa ably IS4I-1 PADfTXNa and popertog reasonable Dial item FIRST-claas paperhangtag and paint Tears tag with modem aguipmaac Tears af aapartoaaa EaUmatea free ItlVt HTTIi SrrtT afnrjas? PAPERHANOINO nutating naatlv dans Reasonable If El BOBER ON MM I It Waahlngton Drive POR flral class pa Inline Dial 4047-1 Ratoranaaa Mullanla 3U 11b Street FOR Bme Dial MM au: Radiator Shops WHY NOT GET THE BEST IN TOWN? 1 Cleaning Bepatrtag tag Pldknp and delivery aoi AS work guaranteed to plenan DAN JONES RADIATOR SHOP Sit a Chad JENNINGS RADIATOR St WELDING SHOP Claaabig Aro-aaotylawo Jtepnirteg -Jhntmndlt cast Baaerlag All wark gunrantead E1NO JENNINGS JaS raa Big Ik PM Or Tae Small Ta Appreciate OT Chadbourns Pk WM WHY TAKE CHANCES? as far aB year radiator and tug need a til ro polra bio ra a guaraniood tar dark FREE INSPECTION OWL RADIATOR WELDING WORKS 1202 Chad bourse Ph 5526 FORD RADIATORS For can aad truckx Larfa shipment ws carry tbs largest stock la tho Southwest "Hurry they wont last STOVALL The Radiator Man 306 Oakes Phone 8033 6an Aflfttlo Classified Ads Get Results Dial 3181 sf 4 par coat ar 8 sa Cm alas af the atta depondmg in Ou wall meal raten aro 4 a property au to I'i per rank TON YAOOY to HORTON Bonlwre SI Omdbourao Dtet 4734 LOAMS Oa any pro pony and mac ex If yea wish in buy build prove er raflnenee mmiie Oonlae Perry sis Mcknrao leg Dial 3304 Cl LOANS FHA LOANS A BICKLE 312 Central Kstl Bank HEAL estate manta FRA biaailoa ler new ueaa aurahaatag pre party Bk maata tour to au per TURNER On 38MB3 Build tag Dial 4128 Cl i Bor A 38 InvBftmBnta TUO HoraiaA boys notes hop Tug TUO Hernlah baa client who has aoma rash wha wants ta fat ta a amo sleoa huainaaa which tanas raa saw a am mure to run Baa Tub tor buimase arportunltios 40 Buiinnsi Oppartunlttos RAINBOW Courts saves lovely CO lagaa with kMchenattea garagvn CkmlartaMo home two largo at ere build log I's acres ground ta limits Highway 3M West Bargain Maoey-mater IBM Terms Loti owner Rainbow Courted Ausuta Tacaa BM ALL grocery nnd market priced to sen quickly Con 33 ROOMINO house for sale Rcaaow etoe mu North Chad boar am Contact owner 8480 cash buy good aew and ased furatlura baalnesa Uirtving email team Heaeau for selling otter business If tale rested wrre tat 33-X Atanderd-Tlnsve at awca far porttcetors WELL-ostablished and profits em bw tana buainesa tor ante If uncreated write Bov 33-X Btnodnrd-Tltrvk rULLY equipped pnrago for team doing nwiar ra bulk! ms also body and point equipment wid tease aeusm meal aad build mg or will aril aqua meat aad tease building WO coo-aider partner be motor raeuUdteg asm orate tram gerago Ibu Ooraao Port Davis Highway ptoq Taaaa TUU rtui bum ry See Tug NXW night club for sale mt traoo oa Bautagvr Highway AU or laJ Par infonaatiaa call 8311 TUO Moralah 1st beat newsstand cky ter ante Pair price am' aonablo rent Pea Tog CAPE far aalo an mala street tocatloa Also two roam boms end batb Would evil cafe about hom*o If toteraated CaU 343 Big Spring mt wnw A Evaaiw Peug'aa Ij Spring Tftet OROCERY nnd market for ante wna Uvtag quarters: partly saw housing A rani ikcrlfla geld at anna 143 Pulliam OROCERY stare atatioa and living quartern tlaod bargain Ph 3tL WANT to buy two bawling a-fTe Box Mil ar PAaaa 44 Cm-rada Cfty Teeaa IP YOU ARE Urn market for a tewrtat court bote I drtvo-fo a or gracary atara drop by our aCieo Wo may have what you waaL RICE and HARRIS 511 A Natl Bank Ph 7824 Rtt Phones 6514 or 5176 FOR tease Rad Top Ink UIA ud North Chadtmunte One te to-ir years with epilog to hey Ph- TT8V HAROama grocery morea Alee hergeia ta onvea ref Doug good buameva Bee Had I C4 Wert 3IM 38783 KCDNDKAND clothing buvmevs for enle an tab Afreet Balltarvr Tcvea POR cote cote Come good neea noma cask aad will taso tradodn Aiao ana Be pouaa tcreog and aoa outbuilding ftL new East Avenue CaU evemneo ESTABLISHED Food Market la Kemrille Texas IDEAL tor couple Only delicoeteo ta town Located radius af an- Kalmalely tour cRV aquaraa ora leu rtat courts New cteoa building ad future anjojing aptendld pauooaaa from home and tounak trad couragtag proapona tar aapunCmg bos mesa Einctently arranaed ar-d furnished Uvmg quarters uaoer same reof earner lot facing on busy mu-naao street Apprealmalcly 3M feet deep otth river franuge tidnio far small number of courts or rt ftrleacy a part manta Oftartag every thus as la prspeny buttetag equlpmeat furatture Mock fit lor one lump sum Pa Box 495 Phone 6S6J Kemrille Texas PRACTICALLY now 12x14 buLdV stacked wkk grace nr Buy aad building tor MM er buy mock tor I1M cod rout building tor All per mouth Have other income prop-arty tor solo olo 1218 Pulliam OLD established buahmae good kid-tag and oaraCent equIpaieBt A-collent hnetaese Will aeU aU er vd consider selling Susiaom and good Jeaae mm building F- COuarr 133 ButteraeL Ahiteno Taaaa PACKAOE afore bul'dlng ter no No neck to buy Bargak B383 41 AEltONCA trainer under 8Fte Jud rrUrenved uood raadiueu kill tana rer ta trada What have you til North Chodeourae Phans 4733 FOR SALE 43 Houfshold Furniture 81 1 nir'al and white Solid walnut Bedroom cum complete oil eprmea ead ail Ireaa: Inoerkyrtaa maitreas two piece living room null hilverume re 04-3 NEAUTIPUL mahagoay Duilil couch with umary tow) etery spring eonat raet-uw oeaaliaal eondUbiu Iteowjwoble Teia MONARCH oioclri rarg for' semi A-l condition 1431 tut Concho DUNCAN Phyfo sole win end ar-anrll pink Practically new CpRl Igag loach Okcellcnt cenditmn 1814 Kid bo THREE complete rooms furniture ta-eluding beoullful jyrawnr eedraam eulte Phone 7C1B-3 1427 Kaat Hama RANCH-eiyte maple uivan aad chair peed rend Minn and reamoaeie Mid Earn gfh or Phono 404 POR solo dandy Noara stev lenj South Abe PtM POR note un-yearid Norge waao tag machine la perfect acadinra file Sea cwnrtiOL POR aaie Uvh-g ton fufttHur bedroom suite and other furabur Reaaonable ptal 3SI8-1 OOtMl oved IWtevu Bar lore small rooms At routs to a ceata Cr mum yard Ctoaad Bfaaaar bue hero early Tuesday tor yeuru NEW kitchen cabluaL aklte ftntdd table 827 WHITE atiiuy cabMbta: ikN ar doera gb Inc ha higfc wine II Inc baa dorp 834-38 OR ceetkleiee aad raagea afi keata TAYLOR 8 BOX 4-04 Chad bourne 44 AnMqust TWO pine emka wua copper He leg One reproductma pine water beaca Bander' AeUque Anup 1413 Nona Chndbewrae 341 45 Muilcal A Kodio CMII1MT tar sole Phone 47aa A1XPEKT radio repolr mm all maaae radios al raacenabW ertrak Gilxg RadtoBarvIco lad Norte Main ItlR ante second rand Cadet 8-fiat ClartneL Laa Weal Wara- hauaa Maurice Shop EXPERIENCED waitress wanted Apply a poraon Poitou's Drive Inn 30 Hslp Wanted Mala COMBINATION welder oilfield and shop work ciaod pay aad plenty of hour CaU Ow 8 pa near Phono 3k tannn Tease EXPERIENCED cook sated Apply la person Lama Linda Cato 3808 North Chadboumo NEED saperienrod fitter and alter-atioa man fa cuawai lallertag diep Exccllcri working cupdiuens urttag salary 848 per weak and travel reimbursem*nt If permanent Contact Albert Kelley at 113 North Colorado or Phone 38 Midland DESK CLERK WANTED See Mr Lacy NAYLOR HOTEL WANTED AT ONCE FEMALE -Book keeper lf30 fin'd goal bkkg: adapts ala wilting alert approx SIM ratal! sales 33-34 peraenaUty groom polaa Open s'enos rap'd capable 38-39 feat accarate 818 ta 1138 MALE Sales 88-3S axp taataL sales taUes 33-38 eapd- comm ar aaL i rauta panel sales thereto sap auto pans aalarv to comm SAN ANGELO EMPLOYMENT SERVICE til Huai BMg Phono 8438 tieorgo Barken Mgr WANTED boot hottoawr sapor eased: permanent tub tor right man shoe service Stars AbUons Ivans VETERANS Lesrn to Fly FREE la your spare ume yea earn got year pilot's lirenae free of charge aader She ol Bill Phone Iff I tar thtormatloa Sky Harbor Flying School ATTENTION Veterans Army ar Navy pilots with college training and sales emparlance Laraa dlrtrlbm lor of nationally advertloed merchna-dtae Reads two married men not over 38 aa an teamen for Saa Angelo Must have car Posit loa pays 888ug or hatiar annually if yen gunlify we will train you Write Baa MO Standard-Tunas WANTED flight tostructer My Han her Airpark EXPERIENCED salesmen er aalee-wemea tor Ban Ansels end sum founding terrltery Above the average eeralngs Apply 438 Chad Qou rue 21 Situation Wantsd Fomala REFINED middle-seed womep ante daytime fob ef eertag tor elderly or invalid women Ph 3 OS 1-4 REFINED tody aa heuaabeepar and companion for one adult ta cuy ar country Box 41-3 Bteadard-Tlmea WILL keep children In my home day aad night or by week Phone day i 8733-8 WILL keep child la mv heme all dav for working mother Moat as aadei throe years of era 13 Zest 14th SS 32 Situation Wantsd Mala VETERAN student deeiraa ompteta meat Available 3A-38 hours par week ta afternauus Mechanic photo darkroom driver asms carpentry to cabinet work acnsabnugta Ml AouUi Van Buras PHOFEdblONAL window cleenor wim work Rrltablc' Insured Boa 4A-X Standard-Times BELlASEP from Army captain ao terminal Irnve deal raa to ramam to Son Angelo Former local teacher seeks polilou having opportunity for advancement Capable mature re-bpouniblo Uutvvrelty graduate Charles Flasher Phono 8X38-1 FOR terete work aao 833S BOUSE MOV1NO Wo arc the beat oguippad hi tho alaio Oo anywhere Edd Parr House Moving Ota 1118 Barth Struct Phono 8304 Saa Angela 33 Agonts end Solosmsn EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY WANTED two salesmen Experience unnecessary gee a DAN HARRELL CACTUS HOTEL Between 6 and 8 COFFEE salesman la and around Ban Angelo Salary ce matter loa car furnished Boa 41-X Btaadard-Tlmes SALESMEN and saleswomen aeO bonded tagulatteo Will train If tote rested In aotoawork Liberal commission Boat deal ta state Midwestern Insulating Company Phong 4X33 INVESTMENTS 34 Psrsonal loans MONEY FOR ANY PURPOSE FROM $10 TO $50 ALARY LOANS PERSONAL LOANS Quick Berates CoafMenilal Worthy Person defused PEOPLES FINANCE CUARANTY CO MeBsmeU BMg 3348 36 Rsal Eitata loans CITY LOANS OP TO TWO-THIRDS velua raaideuro or huameaa props rty five per rent Terms to auk Let ua refinance you abtadnavo Immediate lusueeftaun PhOBB 63M or 39604 RUSSELL-210 Ruat Dldfc Sab Angelo LOANS Pour par east oembiaatloo FHA to Of Pour md half par coat straight PHA Ptva par coat ho sine sa preparly Six per cent auiomobito hmae DODD PRICE 304 A Natl BxnJi Bldf PhOBB 3365 LOANS On Reel Eatow-PHA and OL oor specialty Katherine Far-rte McBuraatt Building Dial 37 LOANS 11 Loans FHA I eons 48 per rent Eslatlng loons retHMRred Dtscass your Iona problem With BE LOGAN-GREER CO 30V TWohif Ave Dial 54S6 BARRELS' OF'MONEY TO Loan Anywhere in Tezsi CITY Property Ranches Farms Me finance build remedaL and repair Buy end sell vendors' Lea news Fran tafermatten Cl Loona 4V PER CENT rHA LOANS COMPANY 118 a Iratag Plat 4jC4 TUO HornUh has maaay la tooaim real oatate Bee Tug MR HOME BUYER It WILL pay you in see your tana before you bu a hand Boom WE also mono U1 Loaaa Can give ptwmm seruteo Cl I DORRANCE Realtor A Natl Bank Bidft Dial 3566 PACE NINE Peace officers of West Texas are on the lookout for 200 pairs of ewes and lambs reported stolen by Balph VancU Ballinger ranch-from his place a few miles north oT Ballinger Ranger Ralph Rohatsch said here Friday The sheep 100 head of mixed three lour- and five year old Rambouillet and Delaine ewes and amend 100 lambs were taken sometime between July 1 end Sept 2 when Vancil was spending much time la San Angelo with his wife and son who were la a local hospital The ewes am flrebranded with a TT on the nose The cattle market was off 50 cents to tlJO per hundred pounds on most classes in early trading at the Producers Livestock Auction ft Commission Co hem Friday Butcher cattle were off around 50 cents per hundred pounds and Stocker classes were off SI to ilJO per hundred Receipts however were heaviest since the first of the year with an estimated 1S00 to 3600 head feeing in the peas them and at the IKidwest Feed Yards A match race for a 610000 purse between Mae West and Miss Princess is to be run at Turkey Trot Dooms Sunday The distance la 440 yards Last Sunday Mae West defeated Miss Princess Blondie and Pep in a 550-yard race for a 620000 purse Dates for the atonal convention Bill Taylor Ensured Livestock Trucks Office Naylor Motel Phene 4544 PksM 4934-2 Coll See me write AULedcnham Ccmcnl Contracting CEMEIIT TANKS A SPECIALTY In Business 30 Years TaL Ns 7 Box 35 MUTZON TEXAS Registered Yearling Rambouillet Rams Prom I to carload being offered to the trade CALL HIRAM PRICE Phone 126 Or HAROLD PRICK Phone 3503 Iff no answer call Back Davis office phono 331 Res Phone 173 EDEN TEXAS 'y 7fi CALL COLLECT San Angelo 3200 If no sntwrr esR 73324 sr tt3-S SAN ANCELO By-Products Inc of the National Wool Growers' Association remain Indefinite but the meetings to be held in Salt Lake City are to start sometime during the last week la January Vestel Askew secretary of the Texas Sheep ft Goat Raisers Association said Thursday that be would bo glad to make hotel reservations for West Texans dsslp lag to attend the sessions Threat of Salt Lake City losing the headquarters of the association is said to have awakened soma Salt Lake City officials and business leaders who are planning an unusual entertainment program for the visitors Denver Is reported as seeking the headquarters and many Texans are reported as favorable to this move The Hotel Peso del Norte El Paso which has been designated as headquarters for the 32nd annual convention of the TSicGRA Dec 1-2-3 Is reported -as having taken cars of Just shout- as many reservations as it can Around 125 reservations have been confirmed to tbs office hero Henry Bell secretary and general manager of the Texas A Southwestern Cattle Raisers' Association on a recent trip to West Texas praised reports of efforts of ranchmen living along the Rio Grande to curb the spread of foot-and-mouth disease "Reports from the Infected district show they are making considerable progress in their effort to keep the diesease below the border' Bell said while la Marfa has never been a case on this aids tho Rio Grands and tbs nearest Is approximately 350 miles south Bell conferred with Duval Dav-livestock sanitary commission supervisor of the border patrol work Cecil Roark inspector and George Jones ranchman- Bell pointed out tho program along the border would be a long drawn out one and that BA1 was still sanding men and equipment to the border to fight the disease that could cost Texas cattlemen millions of dollars If the disease moved north of tho Rio Grande SOVTOS BcpL IP Iks ftsscvcflil Bulletin will mv tswsmv of iks Wool Market: dealers (tM AaMrailan celling inn My high Imrvii lot the feeMe- Awe report van heard that America bought iwrtMlf Mm Aydaoy lew Impetuo todoeraad ler demoette vaa Immediately created by advaaeee Aemralla which raaUaaS full? aaS am the expects ttoae ef ike trad ken Do- doutoedly ike market ler kerneiae weal has aaifetpaiaSi a higher calealel lent vnk naif kwki through ike ematr "Beveral dealer teaei aa partieslar cheat la Seamed kc ike active weal Ik la weak bat team ea Manual order placed Hk alter ike Aeatnllaa opening wen traaed te Ike baUlaheeee a bread reap Serafcle erttbial bn termer? aad Teeaa Price an have teae mint ceata a lean knees IIX cr teed maple buaieees la cals la ban hi Tciaa "Other boehmae Si the net market farther pwtbiai at enend ow madccata bake Kalla amaatkaa wan eeatuniiBf acUra aad fealan la the weeks aad Weal beaiacM It tanlil wools It David Jones Swsctwatcr has bought 60 head ef light Hereford yearlings from Monroe Swsctwatcr at 674 per head see Mrs Ollls Cox Swcstwstsr has purchased 85 Suffolk owes and lambs at 620 per pair from Howard A Clay Lewis Nelson Johnson Sen Angelo bas purchased 150000 pounds of 1647 12-months wool bom tbs Western Wool A Mohair Co Talpa The wool was purchased for Albert A Schneider Boston Eastern mill representative Nelson Booths Sweetwater ranchman has bought a ranch la Montana and has leased considerable grazing lands adjoining to his new property He has moved part of his herds to Montana and soon is to move there to make his home OKI Cox Sweetwater lies purchased seven registered Brahma bulls from Buck Steiner Austin at 6400 per head Cox traded In Pet and White Angel a couple of rodeo steers at 6400 each on the deal see Russell Hays and At DuMala sheep buyers and sellers have purchased the Duncan lambs around 14000 head In the Davis Mountains section at 81650 per hundred They arc to get delivery on these good Rambouillet lambs the last of this month Hairy vetch as a soil builder and winter grazing crop is being Introduced into the Sterling City area by Herman Garllngton Lro Newcomb Harold McCabo and Zach Jones Foster Price Is planting 120 acres of hairy vetch and abruzzle IRRIGATED FARM Of blgbmwy pwed 17 Nat rial James A Cope Naylor Uriel San Angel Tax I lost and found BUCK co*cker SpaateL mk stray-4 from tetany KM Btk kmU Reward Dial WX LOST Ukll tin Hi whMl tram IH1 CbfiraM pickup a bant taUaa Hk mm ratal Rock Hoad Howard Write ar aoa Raymond Joat ala taHoa Ckrtateoal Highway LOST Mm Malta ao kktea mm Robert Ln Road if found alln sr dead return te Clifford Leddy Rskart Loa Hoad or call LMt woman' brown alligator pwrao Plaaaa aoUfy Manning LOST woman's 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Who is the most famous person from San Angelo Texas? ›

Greg Maddux

Greg Maddux was born on 14 April 1966 in San Angelo, Texas, USA. He is an actor, known for Bored Games (2024), 2001 National League Championship Series (2001) and 1993 National League Championship Series (1993).

What are three main employers in San Angelo, Texas? ›

Major Employers
  • Goodfellow Air Force Base. Military Training Center. ...
  • Shannon Medical Center. Hospitals & Clinics. ...
  • San Angelo ISD. Public School System. ...
  • Angelo State University. Colleges & Universities. ...
  • City of San Angelo. Municipal Government. ...
  • San Angelo State Supported Living Center. ...
  • Tom Green County. ...
  • Ethicon (Johnson & Johnson)

What percentage of San Angelo is white? ›

The 5 largest ethnic groups in San Angelo, TX are White (Non-Hispanic) (47.6%), White (Hispanic) (23.4%), Two+ (Hispanic) (13.3%), Other (Hispanic) (6.37%), and Black or African American (Non-Hispanic) (4.16%).

Is it expensive to live in San Angelo Texas? ›

San Angelo, TX housing is 7% cheaper than the U.S average, while utilities are about 10% pricier. When it comes to basic necessities such as food and clothing, groceries are around 5% less in San Angelo, TX than in the rest of the country, while clothing costs around 5% less .

Do any celebrities live in Texas? ›

Lone Stars: Glen Powell, Matthew McConaughey and Other Celebrities Who Live in Texas. The newest trend in Hollywood isn't in Hollywood at all. Some notable names have said goodbye to Los Angeles and moved deep into the heart of Texas in recent years.

Who is the most famous rapper from Texas? ›

Texas boasts a storied history in the hip hop world, with hip hop legends like DJ Screw, Paul Wall and UGK. Following in their footsteps, modern mainstream artists like Travis Scott and Megan Thee Stallion represent Texas on the worldwide stage.

What is San Angelo Texas known for? ›

San Angelo's 100,000 residents take pride in Angelo State University, Goodfellow Air Force Base, the International Waterlily Collection, excellent medical facilities and many cultural events.

What is the average household income in San Angelo Texas? ›

What are the median and average incomes in San Angelo?
Y-o-Y Change
Average Household Income$83,0048.1%
Median Household Income$65,04010.0%
People below Poverty Level10,766-2.8%
People above Poverty Level81,9090.9%

What is the crime rate in San Angelo Texas? ›

With a crime rate of 32 per one thousand residents, San Angelo has one of the highest crime rates in America compared to all communities of all sizes - from the smallest towns to the very largest cities. One's chance of becoming a victim of either violent or property crime here is one in 31.

What is the poverty rate in San Angelo Texas? ›

The average household income in San Angelo is $83,004 with a poverty rate of 11.82%. The median age in San Angelo is 34.7 years: 32.9 years for males, and 37.1 years for females.

What is the quality of life in San Angelo TX? ›

With its fast-growing economy, a cost of living 12% lower than the national average, and numerous cultural and recreation possibilities, San Angelo residents enjoy a high quality of life.

Can you drink the water in San Angelo Texas? ›

For the latest quarter assessed by the U.S. EPA (January 2021 - March 2021), tap water provided by this water utility was in compliance with federal health-based drinking water standards.

Is San Angelo humid or dry? ›

With 3 lakes and 2 rivers flowing through the city, San Angelo has an average morning humidity of 79% which drops to a comfortable average of 44% in the afternoons. Temperatures do reach in the 100s during the summer, but low humidity in the 15% to 25% range keeps the “heat index” down.

Who is 1 famous person from Texas? ›

You may already know that outsize personalities such as outlaws Bonnie Parker and Clyde Barrow, and rock stars Buddy Holly and Janis Joplin hail from Texas. But there are plenty of other famous folk with Texan roots, some of whom might surprise you. Mary Kay Ash (Hot Wells).

Who owns San Angelo Live? ›

We are independently owned and operated by San Angelo's digital experts at Hyde Interactive.

Where do celebrities go in Texas? ›

Here's a roundup of restaurants and bars around Dallas where you might spot someone famous or at least drink and dine where they once did.
  • Nick & Sam's. Dez Bryant, George Clooney, Emma Watson and more 3008 Maple Ave. ...
  • The French Room at The Adolphus. ...
  • Komodo. ...
  • Raising Cane's. ...
  • Ida Claire. ...
  • Eddie's EuroMart. ...
  • Al Biernat's. ...
  • Blu's BBQ.
Feb 20, 2024

What is the history of San Angelo Texas? ›

The townsite, originally a trading post, evolved in tandem with nearby Fort Concho, established in 1867 along the banks of the Concho River. Twenty-three of the original forty native limestone fort structures survive, earning National Landmark status and providing a remarkable legacy of the region's frontier past.


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Author: Carlyn Walter

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Author information

Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

Address: Suite 452 40815 Denyse Extensions, Sengermouth, OR 42374

Phone: +8501809515404

Job: Manufacturing Technician

Hobby: Table tennis, Archery, Vacation, Metal detecting, Yo-yoing, Crocheting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.