There Are 14 Types of Ulcers—How Can You Tell the Difference? (2024)

An ulcer is an open sore that develops on your skin, the lining of an internal organ, or the surface of body tissue. Ulcers form when inflammation causes tissue erosion, leading to pain and discomfort in the area where the ulcer developed.

There are several types of ulcers, each with its distinct causes, symptoms, and treatment approaches. Some ulcers heal on their own with self-care measures and time, while others require medical treatments to relieve symptoms.

Ulcers can develop in various body parts, including externally on the skin and internally in the lining of organs or body tissues.There are four main locations where ulcers can occur, with 14 different types of ulcers you can develop.

Peptic (Stomach) Ulcers

Peptic ulcers (also called stomach ulcers) are sores that develop on the lining of the stomach, upper part of the small intestine (duodenum), or esophagus (food pipe):

  • Gastric (stomach) ulcers: Occur in the stomach lining, causing symptoms like burning stomach pain, bloating, nausea, and vomiting
  • Duodenal ulcers: Form in the duodenum (the first part of the small intestine), producing symptoms like bloating, stomach pain, nausea, and vomiting
  • Esophageal ulcers: Develop on the inner lining of the esophagus, leading to symptoms such as painful swallowing, nausea or vomiting, dry cough, heartburn, and chest pain or discomfort

A protective mucus layer lining the stomach, intestines, and esophagus usually prevents damage from digestive acids. However, the breakdown of this protective layer allows digestive acids to reach and damage the stomach and intestinal walls, leading to a peptic ulcer. There are two main causes of peptic ulcers:

  • Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) bacterial infection
  • Long-term use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as Advil (ibuprofen)

About 1-6% of adults in the United States have peptic ulcers. The risk of developing a peptic ulcer is higher in older adults, people who smoke, and those with a history of peptic ulcers.

Skin Ulcers

Skin ulcers are open sores that develop on the skin. They can vary in size and depth and have different causes. There are four subtypes of skin ulcers, which include:

  • Arterial ulcers: Develop due to poor blood circulation in the legs. Lack of nutrient-rich blood to the tissues causes cell death and tissue damage, leading to ulcers. Arterial ulcers usually develop on the feet and legs and may appear dark red, yellow, black, or gray. Some cause aching pain in the legs and feet, but dangling the affected leg downward may relieve discomfort.
  • Venous ulcers: Form on the legs (above the ankle) when veins in the legs do not push blood back up to the heart as they should. This causes fluid build-up in the leg that builds pressure and leads to an open sore. Venous ulcers are usually shallow, unevenly shaped, and red with a yellow tissue covering. The surrounding skin may be shiny, warm, or hot, and you may experience leg pain.
  • Pressure ulcers (bedsores): Pressure ulcers occur on the skin over bony areas from prolonged pressure, often due to long-term bed rest or wheelchair use. They commonly develop on the heels, tailbone, shoulder blades, or the back of the head. They're initially red and warm to the touch and may cause burning pain or itchiness. As the sore worsens, it may look like a blister or open wound and cause worsening pain. Without treatment, pressure sores can deepen, and you may visibly see underlying tissues like muscle or bone.
  • Neuropathic ulcers: Appear due to nerve damage. Neuropathic ulcers are common in people with uncontrolled diabetes and usually develop on the pad of the foot. With nerve damage, you may be unaware of an ulcer on your foot and continue walking and putting pressure on the sore. About 5% of people with diabetes develop neuropathic ulcers.

Mouth Ulcers

Mouth ulcers, or oral ulcers, are sores that develop inside the mouth. These ulcers include:

  • Canker sores (aphthous ulcers): Small, painful ulcers with a red edge and white or yellow-colored center that appear on the inner lips, cheeks, palate, or gums. Rough toothbrushing, mouth injuries from dental work, biting your tongue or cheek, stress, hormonal changes, and food allergies can all trigger the development of canker sores.
  • Cold sores (fever blisters): Blisters that form on the lips or around the mouth from a herpes simplex virus (HSV) infection. These sores can develop on the gums, lips, mouth, and throat. The blisters eventually break open and leak clear yellowish fluid, leaving a red ulcer that eventually crusts over as it heals. Cold sores may initially cause an itch or tingling sensation before developing, eventually becoming painful and uncomfortable until they scab over and heal.
  • Oral thrush: An oral yeast infection caused by an overgrowth of Candida yeast in the mouth, which leads to painful, white-colored ulcers on the inner lining of the mouth and tongue. Oral thrush ulcers may bleed when brushing teeth or when eating.

Genital Ulcers

Genital ulcers are sores that develop on the vagin*, penis, anus, or perineum (a small patch of skin between your genitals and anus). Most genital ulcers develop as a result of a sexually transmitted infection (STI), but can also occur due to trauma to the genital area, infections like mononucleosis, and inflammatory conditions like psoriasis. Subtypes of genital ulcers include:

  • Genital herpes: Develops from the herpes simplex virus (HSV), causing painful blisters and sores to form on the genitals, buttocks, or thighs.
  • Syphilis: Causes painless ulcers (called chancres) that are round, firm, and painless. Sometimes, the sores can also be open and wet. Syphilis sores can develop on the vulva, vagin*, anus, scrotum, and penis. However, some can grow in hard-to-see spots, such as deep inside the vagin*, under the foreskin, or inside the rectum.
  • Lymphogranuloma venereum: Affects the lymphatic system and occurs due to the strains of the Chlamydia trachomatis bacteria, which develops within a few days to a month after exposure. This STI causes small, painless ulcers on the genitals, fluid draining from the skin near the groin lymph nodes, swelling and redness of the labia or scrotum, and painful bowel movements.
  • Chancroid: Happens when you develop an infection with Haemophilus ducreyi bacteria. Within a day to two weeks after infection, a small bump develops on the penis or vagin*, which becomes an ulcer after a day. Chancroid ulcers are soft and painful, with a gray or yellowish-gray appearance, and bleed when bumped or scraped.

How To Know Which Type You Have

Determining the type of ulcer you have requires a comprehensive evaluation by a healthcare provider. While your symptoms can provide initial clues, healthcare providers will review your medical history, perform a physical examination, and order diagnostic tests to give a definitive diagnosis.

Diagnostic tests to confirm the type of ulcer you have may include:

  • Endoscopy: Involves passing a thin, flexible tube with a light and camera through your mouth to examine the esophagus, stomach, and upper small intestine
  • Blood test: Checks for infections, inflammation, or other underlying conditions
  • Stool test: Detects blood or the presence of H. pylori bacteria
  • Imaging test: Uses CT scans or ultrasounds to help visualize the ulcer and its affected area

While some types of ulcers (like canker sores) may go away with self-care, most require medical attention for an accurate diagnosis and effective treatment. Over-the-counter (OTC) medications may temporarily relieve some ulcer symptoms, but they don’t address the underlying cause.

It's important to seek medical attention if you experience any of the following symptoms:

  • Severe abdominal pain
  • Bloody, tarry, or black stools
  • Vomiting blood
  • Difficulty swallowing
  • Rapid heartbeat
  • Fainting or dizziness

Treatments vary widely, depending on the type of ulcer, and may include:

  • Medications to reduce stomach acid
  • Antibiotics to eradicate bacterial infections
  • Antivirals to treat viral infections
  • Antifungals to treat fungal infections
  • Lifestyle changes, such as avoiding irritants like alcohol and spicy foods
  • OTC or prescription topical ointments and creams or oral mouthwashes

Preventing Ulcers

Implementing certain lifestyle habits can help prevent new or future ulcers. While not all ulcer types are entirely preventable, healthy habits may help lower your risk of certain types.Consider the following tips:

  • Peptic ulcers: Avoid prolonged or excessive NSAID use, avoid smoking, limit alcohol intake, and seek treatment for ongoing acid reflux (heartburn)
  • Skin ulcers: Practice good skin hygiene, moisturize regularly, promptly address skin injuries, quit smoking, and maintain a weight that's right for you
  • Mouth ulcers: Implement good oral hygiene (such as toothbrushing and flossing daily), avoid irritants, and manage stress
  • Genital ulcers: Practice safe sex by using condoms and dental dams

Ulcers are open sores that can develop in several body areas, including the skin, internal organs, and genitals. Each ulcer type has distinct causes, symptoms, and treatments.

Most ulcers require medical treatment, so talk to a healthcare provider if you have a visible ulcer or have symptoms of an ulcer inside the body, such as stomach pain or painful swallowing.Treatments like medications and lifestyle changes can help relieve symptoms and improve your overall quality of life.

There Are 14 Types of Ulcers—How Can You Tell the Difference? (2024)


How to identify different types of ulcers? ›

Diagnosis and Treatment of Ulcers

In some cases, a biopsy may be taken to analyze tissue samples for further investigation. Imaging techniques, such as X-rays or CT scans, are also used to determine the location and severity of ulcers.

How can you tell the difference between a duodenal ulcer and a gastric ulcer? ›

[7] The pain associated with duodenal ulcers improves after meals, while the pain associated with gastric ulcers generally intensifies after meals. Other common signs and symptoms include epigastric abdominal pain, bloating, nausea and vomiting, and weight gain due to improved symptoms post meals.

What is the difference between types of peptic ulcer? ›

A peptic ulcer is a sore on the lining of your stomach or the first part of your small intestine (duodenum). If the ulcer is in your stomach, it is called a gastric ulcer. If the ulcer is in your duodenum, it is called a duodenal ulcer. Ulcers are fairly common.

How are ulcers identified? ›

Endoscopy. Your doctor may use a scope to examine your upper digestive system (endoscopy). During endoscopy, your doctor passes a hollow tube equipped with a lens (endoscope) down your throat and into your esophagus, stomach and small intestine. Using the endoscope, your doctor looks for ulcers.

Which ulcer is not curable? ›

Refractory ulcers are defined as peptic ulcers that do not heal completely despite 8 to 12 weeks of standard anti-secretory drug treatment.

How do doctors identify stomach ulcers? ›

Doctors may order an upper GI endoscopy to confirm the diagnosis of a peptic ulcer and try to find its cause. For an upper GI endoscopy, a doctor uses an endoscope—a flexible tube with a camera—to see the lining of your upper GI tract, including your esophagus, stomach, and duodenum.

What can be mistaken for a stomach ulcer? ›

What other conditions could be mistaken for a stomach ulcer?
  • Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Chronic acid reflux can cause heartburn, burning stomach pain and nausea.
  • Functional dyspepsia. This means you have chronic indigestion without any obvious physical reason for it. ...
  • Stomach cancer.

What is the fastest way to cure a stomach ulcer? ›

Most stomach ulcers are caused by an infection and will require antibiotics, along with other medications. The sooner you start antibiotics and other treatments, the sooner your ulcer will heal. You may also benefit from medications that protect your stomach lining and encourage healing.

What type of ulcer is worse with food? ›

For example, eating sometimes will make the pain worse rather than better with certain types of ulcers, such as pyloric channel ulcers, which are often associated with bloating, nausea and vomiting, symptoms of a blockage caused by swelling (edema) and scarring. Duodenal ulcers tend to cause consistent pain.

How can you tell the difference between gastritis and peptic ulcer? ›

Both conditions cause inflammation in the stomach lining, but gastritis is general inflammation while an ulcer is a patch of inflamed stomach lining. Ulcers cause more severe, localized pain with the risk of cancer, bleeding, and stomach perforation.

What drink is good for ulcers? ›

Stomach ulcers are sores that form on the lining of the stomach or duodenum. They can be caused by a bacterial infection or by taking NSAIDs. There are a number of drinks that may help soothe stomach ulcers, including green cabbage juice, kombucha, honey water, and turmeric tea.

How to sleep with a stomach ulcer? ›

Sleep on your left side: Sleeping on your left side can help keep stomach acid in your lower esophagus and can reduce pain. Sleep on your back with your head elevated: If you're not a side sleeper, sleeping with your upper body elevated can help move acid through the digestive tract. This can help relieve pain.

How can you tell if you have an ulcer without an endoscopy? ›

How do you check for an ulcer?
  1. Urea breath test. Your doctor will ask you to drink a liquid containing urea — a waste product formed when protein breaks down in your body. H. ...
  2. Blood test. A blood test can help detect H. pylori infection.
  3. Stool test. Doctors use a stool test to detect H. pylori infection.

Where is the pain with a duodenal ulcer? ›

If you have a duodenal ulcer, you might: have pain in your stomach or abdomen. have indigestion. feel very full and bloated after eating.

What does ulcer pain feel like? ›

Abdominal pain is the most common symptom of a peptic ulcer. The pain may be dull or burning and may come and go over time. For some people, the pain may occur when the stomach is empty or at night, and it may go away for a short time after they eat. For other people, eating may make the pain worse.

What are the 4 types of gastric ulcers? ›

  • Type 1: in the antrum, near the lesser curvature.
  • Type 2: combined gastric and duodenal ulcer.
  • Type 3: Prepyloric ulcer.
  • Type 4: ulcer in the proximal stomach or cardia.

What are the 4 grades of ulcers? ›

  • Classifications of Pressure Ulcers.
  • Stage I.
  • Intact skin with non-blanchable redness of a localized area usually over a bony prominence. ...
  • Stage II.
  • Partial thickness loss of dermis presenting as a shallow open ulcer with a red pink wound bed, without slough. ...
  • Stage III.
  • Full thickness tissue loss. ...
  • Stage IV.

How can you tell the difference between venous ulcers? ›

Arterial ulcers occur due to arterial disease. Venous ulcers develop as a consequence of chronic venous insufficiency. Arterial ulcers typically present as deep, “punched-out” wounds with well-defined edges and can be painful. Venous ulcers appear as shallow, irregularly shaped wounds with uneven edges.

What are the 4 stages of ulcers? ›

Stage 1: just erythema of the skin. Stage 2: erythema with the loss of partial thickness of the skin including epidermis and part of the superficial dermis. Stage 3: full thickness ulcer that might involve the subcutaneous fat. Stage 4: full thickness ulcer with the involvement of the muscle or bone.


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